Migrant's Journey

Register to AMI

Address : 103 rue du Corps de Garde , 44100 NANTES

Opening hours : Monday to Friday – from 10 am to 17 pm

1/ A proof of identity

– Identity document 

– Passport

– Residency permit

– Consular card 

– Asylum certificate

2/ A proof of residence

– Gas/water bill 

– Certificate from Communal Social Action Centre (CCAS) or Commission for Access to Administrative Documents (CADA) or Reception and Orientation Centre (CAO)

− For asylum seeker : certificate of administrative domiciliation which is provided by France Terre d’Asile 

− If staying with a third party : identity document of the third party  + proof of accommodation + electricity/gas bill 

An annual fee will be charged ranging from €5 to €20

Useful links :

  • France Terre d’Asile Nantes 
  • Le Guide du réfugié (Refugees Guide)
  • Le CHU de Nantes (Nantes Hospital)
  • La Banque Alimentaire (Food Bank)


Well, of course, every story is different. Aboubakar Sidiki shares his inspiring and filled with hope journey with us.

My name is Aboubakar Sidiki. I come from Guinée-Conakry. Some people I met in the city center of Nantes told me about AMI. They said the association takes care of migrants, that it helps a lot of different nationalities and welcome people from different countries.

I looked for the association location; I wanted to go there and become a member and when I arrived there, I registered.
I passed a french language test, and since I speak french fluently, I was excused from the French courses .
However , one was mandatory for me : the Civic Education lessons . I had to attend to this class, because I don’t know the French Legislation for foreigners, and what I had to do on the territory .

The day after my registation, I wanted to become a volunteer because I was bored and most importantly : I wanted to help compatriots, people I never met before and coming from different countries.

 If I had to recommend AMI to someone, I would tell this person that they are more than welcome et going to meet great people willing to help. Help them to forget the suffering they’ve been trhough the journey. The association is going to make them learn so many things they don’t even think of when it comes to administratives procedures .
As for me , the association put a smile on my face, because I suffered a lot.

Through AMI, I met people and it made me forget what I went through…